Roundtable Discussions for Leaders

Roundtable discussions for leaders of multi location businesses - sharing challenges and best practices.

Running a multi-location business demands a different set of business decisions and is a very different marketing task.

77% of multi-location brands complain local marketing at scale is very challenging. At the same time, leaders consider local community ties to be the most effective.

Join the experienced leaders in discussing challenges, innovative ideas, expansion, and best practices across national and local interests and needs.

“Vi var klar til at ekspandere januar 2020. Så kom COVID-19, og vi så det som en mulighed for i stedet at åbne mindre butikker i de byer, der stadig har et stærkt lokalmiljø i gågaderne. Det skal være hyggeligt.”

[We were ready to expand in January 2020. Then COVID-19 came and instead we saw an opportunity to open smaller stores in the those towns that still have a strong local environment in the pedestrian streets. It has to be cozy.]

— Peter Andersen, Director of Retail, E-commerce & Franchise, Noa Noa

“Det vi kan se på de lokale afdelinger, der klarer sig bedst, er , at de er dygtige lokalt. Man skal være aktiv i sit lokalmiljø. Jeg takker hellere nej til en god ekspansion end få den forkerte person ind i vores team.”

[We can see that the local departments that are performing the best are those that are proficient in being local. You have to be active in your local area. I would rather say no to a great expansion than getting the wrong person on our team.]

— Patrick Sjölin, Founder & CEO, Sjölin

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  • Founder & CEO

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The founders of AdPlenty are marketing and technology frontrunners with a strong network of leaders from Multi-Location Businesses.

  • Founder & CPO