The ultimate local marketing solution

Save time on local ads

Set up your locations inside AdPlenty and easily manage data on catchment areas. Headquarters can quickly set-up campaigns across 100+ shops with automatic geographic segmentation 

Localize content easily

By using the dynamic data templates, offers are created inside AdPlenty and used to generate hundreds of ads with local texts like city, store name or address

Advanced campaign setup

Campaigns are pushed directly into the delivery platforms like Meta and Google with budget, period and targeting - saving headquarters time and money on manual campaign creation.

All-in-one solution

Want to have data and management in one place? with AdPlenty you can run organic and paid ads in one tool.

Insights and data

Get the insights and data you need to to optimise your local marketing and drive traffic to your local partners

Support local partners

A unique workflow tool for communication with local partners. Save time and increase satisfaction

“With AdPlenty we have made local marketing more effective. The best thing is that it is simple to use for our partners.”

— Henrik Bastrup, Real Estate chain home A/S

Dynamic templates

Dynamic templates

Want local content?

See how we create dynamic local content across all your ads in a super easy way


The AdPlenty Solution

AdPlenty is a global and innovative software solution for multi-location businesses. Our all-in-one marketing platform provides businesses with the insights and tools to manage local digital media and maintain brand integrity across all of their local shops. AdPlenty makes it possible to reach local audiences by setting up advertising that is geo-targeted towards each catchment area for local stores.

The software platform is designed to be fully automated, intuitive and easy to get started.

⭐️ Share your ads across the most popular digital channels
⭐️ Connect your local shops with potential buyers at scale
⭐️ Our intelligence driven system ensures effective marketing of your company ads
⭐️ Follow your campaign with real time reporting

We make online marketing easy for everybody.